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300-watt solar panels: are they right for you?

One important metric to consider when comparing solar panel options is a panel’s power rating, referred to as wattage. 300-watt (W) solar panels are close to the average wattage of solar panels available today and are suitable for many types of solar projects.

Most solar panels installed on homes or businesses today are between 250 to 365 watts per panel, and solar panels above and below that range are also available. In order to determine if 300W solar panels are right for you, it is important to understand what the options are and how much energy 300W panels produce.

What 300-watt solar panels are available?

Many manufacturers make 300-watt solar panels. Below is a list of 300W panels, each listed with their conversion efficiency and the manufacturing company that produces them. Some manufacturers make more than one 300W panel model, but only one model per company is listed below.

List of 300-watt solar panels Panel manufacturerPanel modelPanel efficiency AmerisolarAS-6M-30015.46 AmerisolarAS-6P-30015.46 Canadian SolarCS6K-300MS All-Black18.33 Canadian SolarCS6K-300MS18.33 CentroSolarDP72 30015.4 CertainTeed SolarCT300M11-0318 CertainTeed SolarCT300M10-0318 CertainTeed SolarCT300M11-0218.4 CertainTeed SolarCT300M10-0218.4 China SunergyCSUN300-72P15.49 ET SolarET-P672300BB15.46 FreeVolt300 WP SW18.4 Green BrillianceGB72P6-30015.58 HansolHS-300-ND-AN315.05 HansolHS-300-TB-AN317.96 Hanwha Q CELLSQ.PEAK-G4.1 30018 Hanwha Q CELLSQ.PEAK BLK-G4.1 30018 Hanwha Q CELLSQ.PEAK DUO BLK-G5 30017.8 Hanwha SolarOneHSL72P6-PC-1-30015.3 HelieneHEE300M18.6 HyundaiHiS-S300RG18.3 Itek EnergyIT-300SE17.89 Itek EnergyIT-300SE Smart17.89 JA SolarJAM6(K)(TG)-60-300/PR18.35 JA SolarJAM6(K)-60-300/PR18.35 JinkoSolarJKM300M-60-V18.33 JinkoSolarJKM300M-6018.33 LONGi SolarLNG-300-LR6-60PB-BK18.3 Mission Solar EnergyMSE300SQ8T18.05 Peimar GroupOS300M18.44 Peimar GroupOS300P15.5 Peimar GroupSG300M18.4 Peimar GroupSG300M (FB)18.44 Phono SolarPS300M-20/U18.44 REC SolarREC300TP2M18 Recom SolarRCM-300-6MB (all black)18.3 Recom SolarRCM-300-6MB18.3 ReneSolaJC300M-24/Ab15.5 Renogy SolarRNG-300P17.8 S-EnergySN300P-1015.38 S-EnergySN300P-1515.13 S-EnergySM-300PC815.12 S-EnergySN300M-1018.4 SilevoTriex-U30017.9 SilevoTriex-U290 SleekBlack17.9 SilfabSLA-X-300 White18.4 SilfabSLA-300M18.8 Solartech UniversalQuantum Black 300 PERC18.4 Solartech UniversalQuantum Series 300 PERC18.4 Trina Solar EnergyTSM-300DD05A.08(II)18.3 Trina Solar EnergyTSM-300DD05A.05(II)18.3 UpsolarUP-M300M18.4 UpsolarUP-M300M-B18.4 WinaicoWSP-300M618 WinaicoWSP-300M6 (Full Black)18

How many 300-watt solar panels do you need?

A single 300W solar panel is rated to produce 300 watts of power, but the actual power output you see from your panels depends on many factors, including geographic location, shading, and the tilt of your panels.

The number of solar panels you’ll want to install depends on the amount of electricity you want to generate and the space available on your roof or property for solar panels. The table below compares different sized solar panel systems by the number of 300-watt solar panels needed for each system size. In some cases, the number of 300W panels needed is rounded to the nearest panel.

How many 300-watt solar panels do you need? System size comparison table System size (kW)Average annual kWh productionNumber of 300-watt panels (rounded) 2 kW2,8207 5 kW7,05017 6 kW8,46020 7 kW9,87023

*Number of panels needed rounded to the nearest panel, and assumes a production ration of 1.4

Using seven 300W solar panels will produce roughly 3,000 kilowatts hours (kWh) of electricity, which is significantly below how much electricity a standard single-family household uses. Installing 20 panels for a roughly 6 kW system will produce enough electricity to significantly offset or eliminate your electric bill with solar.

How much space will a solar energy system with 300W panels take on your property? The table below demonstrates estimates for solar energy systems using only 300W solar panels. For the purpose of calculating estimated space needed, we assumed that 300W solar panels are, on average, 16.5 square feet (5.5’ by 3’).

How much space will a solar installation with 300-watt solar panels take? System size (kW)Number of 300-watt solar panelsEstimated space needed (sq. ft.) 2 kW7116 5 kW17281 6 kW20330 7 kW23380

*Number of panels rounded to the nearest panel, and space needed rounded to the nearest foot

300W solar panels are relatively efficient with the space they use when compared to lower wattage panels, and a standard roof of a single-family home will likely have enough space for the number of panels needed to significantly offset electricity costs. If you have a small roof or don’t want panels on your roof, consider a ground-mounted solar system.

Are 300-watt solar panels right for your solar installation?

300W solar panels are close to the average wattage of panels used for solar installations and will be a good choice for many property owners. While they may be more expensive per panel than lower wattage options, 300W panels make up for the price premium in the space they save on your roof and the lower number of panels you will need to purchase to cover your electricity needs.

Whether you’re looking for low, standard, or high wattage panels, you can get multiple solar quotes from pre-screened installers by signing up on the EnergySage Marketplace. If you have preferences when it comes to solar equipment, you can simply note them in your account so installers can quote accordingly. If you’d prefer to start investigating your solar options with a quick estimate on what solar can save you, try our Solar Calculator.


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